Content Provider


Trainer Name

Renuga Devi R

Skill Area

Scientific or Technical, Statistics or Research and Development


4.7 (41 Rating)

Course Requirements

  • Basic computer skills and familiarity with software operations.
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Office applications, particularly Excel.
  • Understanding of fundamental data analysis concepts.
  • Access to a laptop or desktop computer with a reliable internet connection.
  • Installation of Power BI Desktop software.
  • Availability of various data sources (spreadsheets, databases, CSV files) for practice.
  • Analytical thinking skills and problem-solving mindset.

Course Description

This course focuses on utilizing Power BI, a powerful business analytics tool by Microsoft, to extract insights from data and enhance decision-making processes. Participants will learn how to connect, import, clean, transform, and analyze data from various sources using Power BI Desktop. They will also explore advanced data modeling techniques, create visually appealing and interactive reports and dashboards, and share their findings securely within their organizations.

Key topics covered in the course include data visualization best practices, DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) language for creating calculated columns and measures, working with data gateways. Participants will gain hands-on experience through practical exercises, real-world case studies, and enabling them to apply Power BI to their own business scenarios.

By the end of this course, participants will have the skills to leverage Power BI as a powerful business intelligence tool, empowering them to analyze complex data, generate actionable insights, and effectively communicate data-driven findings to stakeholders. This course is suitable for business professionals, analysts, managers, and anyone interested in harnessing the potential of Power BI for data analytics and business intelligence purposes.

Course Outcomes

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the key features and benefits of Power BI
  • Connect to data sources and import data into Power BI
  • Create data relationships and transform data using Power Query
  • Build basic and custom visualizations using Power BI
  • Design and build interactive dashboards and reports in Power BI

Overall, participants will have the skills and knowledge to begin using Power BI in their daily work or personal projects and will have a strong foundation for further exploration and learning in this powerful data analytics tool.

Course Curriculum

1 Lesson:1 What is Data and its types?
23 Min

2 Lesson:2 Data Analytics and its approaches
13 Min

3 Lesson:3 Business Intelligence
12 Min

4 Lesson:4 BI Tools available in the Market
10 Min

5 Lesson:5 Gartner Report
17 Min

6 Lesson:6 Power BI Services, Capabilities and its Features
16 Min

7 Lesson:7 Power BI Platforms and Licenses
11 Min

8 Lesson:8 Advantages of Power BI and Business Case Study
20 Min

9 Lesson:9 Hands-On Part-1
1 Hour 5 Min

10 Lesson:10 Hands-On Part-2
1 Hour 8 Min

11 Lesson:11 Hands-On Part-3
37 Min

12 Lesson:12 Hands-On Part-4
45 Min

13 Lesson:13 Hands-On Part-5
34 Min

14 Lesson:14 Hands-On Part-6
56 Min

1. Learners Guide
2. Dataset

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Empowering Business Intelligence with Power BI Data Analytics


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