Content Provider


Trainer Name

eQuick Learn

Skill Area

Financial Services and Financial Technologies


4.9 (109 Rating)

Course Requirements

Highly recommended for employees who do not have formal finance background but are required to perform finance-related responsibilities at work, such as costing and budgeting.

Course Description

Finance for Non-Finance in the Workplace is a back-to-basics course on finance that is specially designed for employees who do not have formal finance discipline backgrounds.

The module discusses common financial terms, identify key elements in financial statements such as the income statements, balance sheets and cash flow statements, as well as explains the principles of budgeting and costing.

The module helps non-finance employees understand the financial consequences of the decisions they make at work. Learners will be presented with interactive exercises and practical examples to help them apply the financial concepts they learn.

Course Outcomes

At the end of the course, learners will be able to:

        Identify the key processes in a business model

        State the functions of the income statement and the balance sheet

        Identify financial concepts associated with the income statement and the balance sheet

        State the importance of cash flow to a business operation

        Discuss the costing and budgeting functions in an organisation

        Identify key financial terms and principles associated with costing and budgeting

Course Curriculum

1 The Business Model
15 Min

This lesson introduces introduce you to the business model and the working capital cycle. It also discusses financial reporting and identifies the main types of financial statements.

2 Income Statement
15 Min

This lesson discusses the income statement and financial concepts that are associated with it, such as accruals, prepaid expenses and depreciation.

3 Balance Sheet
15 Min

This lesson discusses the balance sheet and its principles, as well as identifies items in the balance sheet. You will also learn double-entry accounting and credit and debit balances in layman's terms.

4 Cash Flow
15 Min

This lesson focusses on the importance of cash and how it is different from profit. It discusses the cash flow statement and identifies items in the cash flow statement.

5 Costing
15 Min

This lesson discusses costing and its principles, and identifies the types of costing.

6 Budgeting
15 Min

This lesson discusses budgeting and identifies different types of budgets and their key principles.

Learner Feedback

Finance for Non-Finance in the Workplace (Interactive)


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