Trainer Name

Super Admin

Skill Area

Personal Development


4.7 (103 Rating)

Course Requirements

Basic English Language Comprehension Proficiency of CEFR A2 Level

Course Description

"This OnLive class offers a framework and toolkit for setting and achieving personal goals in important areas of your life.

The art of setting and achieving important goals is a critical skill in business, education, politics, sport and every other spectrum of society. Many people who perform this skill well in their profession, however, fail to do the same for themselves in the rest of the areas of their lives - their physical and mental health, relationships, finance etc

This 75 minute class will give you the framework for setting your own worthwhile, personal goals and the tools to achieve them. We will also be sharing important and useful worksheets that will be very useful in your everyday life. 

So come join this OnLive class to make 2024 your year. Do not forget to carry a notebook and pen. 

See you in the class!"

Course Outcomes

"At the end of this session, you will be able to:

1.Gain proficiency in formulating goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timed (SMART) and understand the critical components of each element to create objective goal success.

2.Learn advanced techniques to prioritize tasks, enabling efficient management of both short-term and long-term goals.

3.Develop strategies to assess urgency and importance, optimizing your workflow for maximum impact.

4.Sharpen your focus and concentration, essential for navigating challenges and achieving optimal results.

5.Understand the psychological aspects of motivation and leverage them to stay driven even in the face of challenges to achieve your goals"

Course Curriculum

1 [Goal Setting Course] Goal-Setting Techniques for 2024
1 Hour 15 Min

Learner Feedback

[Goal Setting Course] Goal-Setting Techniques for 2024


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