Trainer Name

Super Admin

Skill Area

Financial Services and Financial Technologies


4.7 (103 Rating)

Course Requirements

Basic English Language Comprehension Proficiency of CEFR A2 Level

Course Description

"The majority of the population has a low level of financial literacy, which affects their journey towards wealth creation. 

Many people believe that earning more money can help them transform their wealth, and while this is partly true, it's only 50% of the equation. Individuals with significant income but a poor understanding of the outflow of money often struggle to retain their wealth.

This class aims to teach you the four crucial concepts that anyone must understand about the transmission of money. Mastering the money transmission process can be transformative for one's wealth journey. 

Simultaneously, effectively earning and spending money can lead to happiness and fulfilment. 

Join this OnLive class to gain a deep understanding of this topic.

Register Today!"

Course Outcomes

"At the end of this session, you will be able to:

1. Understand the importance of money transmission in the wealth creation process

2. Understand various forms of money inflow, including credit and borrowing.

3. Acquire effective strategies for managing money outflow to enhance happiness, fulfilment, and balance."

Course Curriculum

1 [Wealth Management Course] Unlock Wealth with 4 Key Concepts
1 Hour 15 Min

Learner Feedback

[Wealth Management Course] Unlock Wealth with 4 Key Concepts


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