Trainer Name

Dr. Caesar Apolinar Ramirez Jr.

Skill Area

Management/Business Management and Corporate Governance


4.5 (8 Rating)

Course Requirements

Basic English Language Comprehension Proficiency of CEFR A2 Level

Course Description

This session is best for anyone who is planning to start their own business or even existing entrepreneurs who want to have a better understanding of what is happening in a business and need to hear it directly from a business mentor. Every start-up or existing entrepreneur is prone to just running their business based on what they think is more convenient for them. Without realizing that every decision they make will affect their business, their actions are based on bad practices that they got from other people who do not have a solid foundation in entrepreneurship. The session will provide very practical tips and guidance on how to avoid those errors and will also provide an overview of the effects if these errors are not corrected.

Course Outcomes

At the end of the session, you will be able to: 1. Understand the importance of aiming for an ideal way of managing a business based on proven entrepreneurial techniques. 2. Identify the weaknesses of entrepreneurs with regard to their competencies in running a business. 3. Assess oneself about the need to improve skills in order to avoid making errors. 4. Discover the possible errors of entrepreneurs in the four functions of their business. 5. Provide a long-term, sustainable solution for effectively avoiding and minimizing errors in their business operations.

Course Curriculum

1 A Business Mentor's Revealed Errors in Running a Business
1 Hour 28 Min

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A Business Mentor's Revealed Errors in Running a Business


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