Trainer Name

Alex Genadinik

Skill Area

Leadership or Organisational Development


4.6 (500 Rating)

Course Requirements

Being forthright about your wants and needs, while still considering the rights, needs and wants of others.

Course Description

Learn assertive communication that helps you and the person with whom you are communicating. After you master assertive communication, learn to use it in various professional scenarios, including negotiation.
We communicate every day. Why not learn how to be more open, transparent, and get people on our side with our communication? That's exactly what happens when you are assertive. You define your boundaries not by being rude or authoritarian, but by being transparent and honest. This gets people to understand your situation, sympathize with you, and after they sympathize with you, they will be much more likely to help you instead of step over your boundaries.

Course Outcomes

1.Improve your relationships with others
2.Boost your career
3,Garner more respect from others
4,Learn to communicate honestly and transparently

Course Curriculum

1 Assertiveness Definition

2 Difficult To Decide When To Assert Yourself

3 Assertiveness Is Not An Option

4 Assertive Example For Working From Home

5 Examples Of How To Assert Yourself In Different Professional Situations

6 Basic Assertiveness Phrases

7 Assertive Body Language

8 Assertiveness Examples In Meetings Orin Person

9 Examples Of Asking By Being Assertive

10 Creating Limiting Beliefs In Others

11 Example Of Assertively Saying No By Also Setting Limiting Beliefs

12 Assertive Communication Exercise

13 Assertive Communication Exercise Answer

14 Negotiation Section Introduction

15 Introduction To Negotiation

16 Good Cop Bad Cop

17 Batna Bluffing And Walking Away

18 Negotiation Exercise

19 Negtation Exercise Answer

20 Assertiveness Section Introduction

21 Good Cop Bad Cop

22 How To Politely Ask For Something Without Offending

23 Stating The Price First In A Negotiation

Learner Feedback

Assertiveness and Communication for Success


Course Rating

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