Trainer Name

Irvan Jie

Skill Area

Education, Skills Development or Languages


4.6 (4 Rating)

Course Requirements

Course Description

Everybody wants to be happy in their lives, and yet some people seem to be unable to become truly happy. Is it possible that those people fall into the traps and myths of happiness? With so many things that we can do to achieve our own happiness, make sure that we find the things that truly bring true happiness in our life. This session Coach Irvan Jie will discuss what is true happiness and how we can avoid the traps and myths of happiness so that we don't waste our time in pursuing things that don't really make our lives happier. Understanding this, we can focus our effort on the things that really matter in life, your own well-being and how to have a life that is worthy of being happy about.

Course Curriculum

1 Find Your True Happiness

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Find Your True Happiness


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