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Trainer Name


Skill Area

Education, Skills Development or Languages


4.7 (163 Rating)

Course Requirements

There are no requirements to enrol in this course.

Course Description

This module introduces you to the basics of using Power BI and how it will help you to get a better understanding of operating Power BI.

Course Outcomes

  1. Learners will be able to build personalized visualizations that resonate with their audiences
  2. Learners will be able to create interactive reports with visual analytics
  3. Learners will be able to share, interact, and collaborate on reports based on data to find the insights, trends, and critical business intelligence they need.

Course Curriculum

1 Introduction to Power BI
Preview 2 Min

2 Overview of Power BI Desktop and Power BI Service
Preview 4 Min

3 Connect to SaaS apps through web interface
Preview 2 Min

4 Summary

1 Intro to Power BI Desktop
Preview 1 Min

2 Connect to an Access database
Preview 3 Min

3 Basic transformations
Preview 6 Min

4 Connect to files in a folder
Preview 6 Min

5 Enter data
Preview 5 Min

6 Summary

1 Intro to modelling your data
Preview 1 Min

2 Manage data relationships in Power BI Desktop
Preview 4 Min

3 Create calculated columns
Preview 3 Min

4 Optimise models for Power BI
Preview 3 Min

5 Create calculated measures
Preview 7 Min

6 Calculated tables
Preview 1 Min

7 Time Intelligence
Preview 2 Min

8 Summary

1 Intro to visuals

2 Create and format visualisations
Preview 4 Min

3 Combo charts
Preview 1 Min

4 Slicers
Preview 3 Min

5 Map visualisations
Preview 5 Min

6 Tables and matrices
Preview 2 Min

7 Create and format a scatter chart
Preview 4 Min

8 Waterfall chart and funnel chart
Preview 2 Min

9 Power BI visuals - Gauge, Cards, and KPIs
Preview 4 Min

10 Static Images - Shapes, Text, Boxes, and Images
Preview 3 Min

11 Page view and page size settings
Preview 3 Min

12 Visual interactions
Preview 4 Min

13 Duplicate and rename a Power BI report page
Preview 1 Min

14 Show categories with no data
Preview 1 Min

15 Show all, default, summarisation
Preview 4 Min

16 Power BI reports - Positioning, Aligning, and Sorting Visuals
Preview 1 Min

17 Summary

1 Lab

2 Lab 1

3 Lab 2
Preview 3 Min

4 Lab 3
Preview 4 Min

5 Lab 3a
Preview 1 Min

6 Lab 4
Preview 3 Min

7 Lab 4a
Preview 3 Min

8 Lab 4b
Preview 2 Min

9 Lab 4c
Preview 2 Min

10 Lab 4d
Preview 2 Min

11 Lab 4e
Preview 2 Min

12 Lab 5
Preview 2 Min

13 Lab 6
Preview 5 Min

14 Lab 7
Preview 1 Min

1 Lab 1

2 Lab 2
Preview 2 Min

3 Lab 3
Preview 2 Min

4 Lab 4-5-6-7
Preview 4 Min

5 Lab 8
Preview 1 Min

1 Lab 1
Preview 1 Min

2 Lab 2
Preview 2 Min

3 Lab 3
Preview 2 Min

4 Lab 4
Preview 2 Min

5 Lab 5
Preview 1 Min

6 Lab 5a-b
Preview 2 Min

7 Lab 6

1 Lab 1
Preview 1 Min

2 Lab 2
Preview 4 Min

3 Lab 3
Preview 4 Min

4 Lab 4
Preview 3 Min

5 Lab 5
Preview 3 Min

6 Lab 6

7 Lab 6a
Preview 3 Min

1 Lab 1

2 Lab 2
Preview 6 Min

3 Lab 3
Preview 2 Min

4 Lab 4
Preview 4 Min

5 Lab 5
Preview 6 Min

6 Lab 6
Preview 2 Min

7 Lab 7
Preview 1 Min

8 Navigating through Microsoft Power BI [Quiz]
Start 25 Min

Learner Feedback

Navigating through Microsoft Power BI


Course Rating

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