Trainer Name

Mohit Limba

Skill Area

Culinary, Hospitality and Tourism


4.4 (7 Rating)

Course Requirements

CEFR Level A2

Course Description

Travelling is most important part of life and personal development. Planning a travel and deciding to go on a trip can be time consuming and out of budget sometimes.

In this session we will discuss tricks to trips:

-What you need to do when planning to travel

-Learn how not to mess up the travel plan

-Why you should travel

Every Individual has so many intentions and dreams that they wish could be fulfilled. However, our busy lives does not give us an opportunity to create a life that we love!

If you are looking to visually set some powerful intentions and start the new year in the right headspace then this power-packed session is for you.

Lets find out how to have a good and rejuvenating vacations out within this course!

Course Outcomes

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

1. Develop travel skills.

2. Understand importance of planning a trip

3. Identify travel needs appropriately.

Course Curriculum

1 Plan a Perfect Travel
Preview 1 Hour 15 Min

Learner Feedback

Plan a Perfect Travel


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