Trainer Name

Rachel Cheah

Skill Area

Quality Management and Productivity


5 (7 Rating)

Course Requirements

Basic English Language Comprehension Proficiency of CEFR A2 Level

Course Description

1. What is the concept behind Surf with Peace?
2. What are the basic methods that I can apply in my daily life to solve various problems/issues/situations happening in my daily life?
3. What is the next Surf with Peace course that I can learn further to handle specific problems at work, in personal life, in family, or in relationships?

Learn with Coach Rachel Cheah on how to blend the practice/methods of Surf with Peace easily in daily life to live your life to the fullest!

Course Outcomes

1. Able to understand the essential concept of Surf with Peace - a problem-solving method
2. Able to use the basic tools/methods of Surf with Peace to solve problems/challenges/issues in every aspect of daily life, to name a few - personal, family, work, health and wealth
3. Able to select the next learning course of Surf with Peace that specifically fulfills the learner’s problem-solving needs.

Course Curriculum

1 Surf with Peace - Basic Concept and Methods
1 Hour 15 Min

Learner Feedback

Surf with Peace - Basic Concept and Methods


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