Trainer Name

Alex Genadinik

Skill Area

Education, Skills Development or Languages


4.6 (572 Rating)

Course Requirements

Be able to follow the English-language lectures because there are no subtitles in the course

Course Description

If you don't know how to program or code, but want to create an app, this course is for you.

Learn 6 strategies that will get you to launch your app. The course covers smart strategies to learn to code, outsource, and find technical co-founders. By the end of the course, you will understand what is possible and what is not possible when it comes to having your apps created.

With the strategies in this course, you will be able to make most kinds of apps in under two months and by spending only a few thousand dollars or less because I will show you what a savvy and experienced app entrepreneur does in most situations to optimize every part of the process whether it is learning to program apps or the right ways to outsource.

Go ahead and sign up for the course, and let's get you that app you've been dreaming of launching.


You can make game apps, puzzle apps, productivity apps business apps, social apps, and more kinds of different apps.

Course Outcomes

1.Create and launch your mobile app

2.Finally, get in the mobile app business

3.Launch your app cheaply, relatively fast and without the frustration

4.Save money on not having to hire freelancers

5.Empower yourself long-term

6.Create a cost-effective app business model

Course Curriculum

1 1 Plus 1 Plus 1 Plus 1 Does Not add Up to 4

2 A Great Problem to Have, But Still a Problem

3 Bestsellers Must Literally Be Better Than the Other Courses In Their Category

4 Constant Improvement for Every Aspect Of Your Online Course Business

5 Constantly Improve Your Course Production Process

6 Develop An Entire Product Line of Great Courses

7 Develop the Mindset of a Software Developer

8 Don_t Create a Nice course, Create a Bestselling Course

9 Don_t Forget To Share Written Documents With Your Students

10 Dont Make a Great Information Product, Create a Transformational Experience

11 Bad Reviews Can Fuel Your Way to a Bestseller

12 Focus On What Really Matters to Students, Not Trivial Nonsense

13 Follow Your Passion...Unless It Leads to a Dead End

14 Get a Personalized Critique Of Your Promo Video and First Lecture Right Here

15 Great Ways to Waste Massive Amounts of Time (Instead of Making More Courses)

16 Your Future As a Bestselling Udemy Instructor - Conclusion

17 You Must Master Your Medium Of Online Video

18 You MUST Appreciate the Differences Between Live In-Person Vs Online Training

19 Here Is How You Dont Waste Time On Things That Dont Matter

20 Here Is Why Your Course Is NOT Currently a Bestseller

21 You Are NOT conducting a Semester Long College Class

22 Immerse Yourself In Your Medium

23 Why Everything You think You Know About People_s Attention Spans Is Wrong

24 Instant Feedback to Make Your Udemy Course Better Now!

25 Udemy Marketplace Insights Wont Help You Unless You Figure Out What to NOT Do

26 Those Pesky Student Questions are Actually Gold!

27 Make More Course Content In Less Time

28 This Isn't Netflix. Create An Intense Learning Experience for Your Students

29 This Is How You Make Your Lecture Titles Sing and Sell

30 There Are No Gatekeepers to Publishing, But There are Gatekeepers to Bestsellers

31 There Are No Gatekeepers to Publishing, But There are Gatekeepers to Bestsellers

32 Nobody Likes Homework, But Homework Is Essential

33 Not all Bestsellers are Equal

34 Now Is the Perfect Time To Ask Your Questions and Weigh In

35 One Instructor_s Path to the Bestseller Lists

36 Online Students Don_t Have to Settle for a Bad, Boring Instructor

37 Position Your Courses for Businesses As Well As Individuals

38 Promo Video Complete Udemy Bestsellers Online Course Creation unofficial

39 Quick Wins! The Secret To Creating Longer Courses In Less Time

40 Recycling Content In Courses Is Environmentally and financially Correct

41 Remind Yourself That No One Review Matters

42 Sacrifice Short Term Cash for Long Term Gain

43 The Bestselling Udemy Formula That Works for Me -Might or Might Not Work for You

44 The Daily Clean Slate

45 The Secret About _Passive_ Income Bestselling Instructors Don_t Like to Admit

46 The Launch Date for Your Next Course Is...

47 The Ultimate Gimmick for Marketing Your Online Course Into a Bestseller

48 A Bestselling Course Is the Only Option for You If You

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