Trainer Name

Mike Nardi

Skill Area

Marketing and Innovation


5 (2 Rating)

Course Requirements

Have a Fiverr account that's ready to be used

Course Description

This is a full Fiverr course about how to make money on Fiverr. This course is designed to help beginners who are new to the concept of making money on Fiverr figure out how to get started successfully. In this free course, I'll go over everything from explaining what Fiverr is, to figuring out what you should sell, to learning how to effectively scale and grow your freelancing business. The goal of this course is to help new freelancers who don't know where to start or what to focus on getting their feet planted so that they can grow a profitable online freelancing business using Fiverr.

Course Outcomes

You'll be able to effectively sell, scale and grow your freelancing business.

Course Curriculum

1 How to Make Money on Fiverr
34 Min


Trainer Name

Mike Nardi

5 Rating
2 Reviews

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