Trainer Name

Super Admin

Skill Area

Marketing and Innovation


4.7 (103 Rating)

Course Requirements

Basic English Language Comprehension Proficiency of CEFR A2 Level

Course Description

"One of the goals of every business is to meet their target sales and be able to address their customers' needs for a product or service. But dealing with your customers after a sale is such a challenging task to do.

There is a need for you to develop a business environment that prioritizes after-sales service to their customers and focuses on engaging with them and learning from their experience about the product or service after using it. 

This class will be able to initiate the need for every business to maintain an impactful after-sales service support system that will bring them more closed sales transactions in the future.

Let’s prioritize and hear from your customers by implementing strong after-sales support for your customers to make a good impression. 

Start Registering Now! "

Course Outcomes

At the end of this session, you will be able to:
1. Summarize effective and ineffective actions in providing after-sales service for insightful improvements.
2. Assess your current approach to addressing customer concerns and identify areas for enhancement.
3. Develop a booming and enduring after-sales service strategy to elevate customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Course Curriculum

1 [Sales Course] Decoding After-Sales Excellence
1 Hour 15 Min

Learner Feedback

[Sales Course] Decoding After-Sales Excellence


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