Trainer Name

Endy Nguyen

Skill Area

Marketing and Innovation


4.5 (12 Rating)

Course Requirements

1. No prior marketing knowledge required
2. Laptop, tablet or smart phone
3. Internet connection

Course Description

This course is suitable for everyone as the course will cover from the basic to a more advanced steps. This course will teach you on how Digital Marketing will be used to reach consumers. The use of internet in Digital Marketing will be a new approach of understanding customers behaviours and to connect to the potential customers as well. 
In this course, you will also learn about the strategies that most businesses used such as email marketing, paid search, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and social media marketing.
Next, this course will also touch on the topics of Content Marketing, Mobile Marketing and Affiliate Marketing. 

Course Outcomes

You'll learn about:
1. The benefit of learning Digital Marketing 
2. Market Research 
3. Email Marketing
4. Copywriting
5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
6. YouTube Marketing
7. FaceBook Marketing

Course Curriculum

1 Introduction To The Course

2 Introduction Of The Instructor

3 What Is Digital Marketing

4 Why Should You Learn Digital Marketing

5 Quick Win Example Of What You Can Do With Digital Marketing

6 Course Requirements

1 Analyse Your Survey Results

2 What Will Be Covered In This Section

3 Find An Audience With 3 Simple Questions

4 Get Responses To Your Survey

5 Get Valuable Feedback Without Sending A Survey

6 Section Summary

1 What Will Be Covered In This Section

2 Why Market Your Business With Email

3 Create A Free Mailchimp Account

4 Add Opt-ins & Pop Ups To Your Website For Free

5 Collect Emails Without A Website

6 Create An Email Campaign With Mailchimp

7 Write Email Subject Lines That Get Opened

8 Email Marketing Analytics

9 Section Summary

1 What Will Be Covered In This Section

2 What Is Copywriting

3 The “aida” Formula

4 Writing Magnetic Headlines

5 Flip Features Into Benefits

6 Create An Irresistible Call To Action

7 Write Like Your Customers Talk

8 Section Summary

1 What Will Be Covered In This Section

2 What Is Seo

3 Seo Metrics To Measure Performance

4 Seo Optimise Your Homepage

5 Conversions - Improving Website Speed

6 Verify Website Google Search Console

7 Take The Google Mobile Friendly Test

8 Keyword Research Steps & Strategy

9 Quickly Brainstorm 1000's Of Keyword Ideas

10 Narrow Down Your Keyword List

11 Choose Target Keywords

12 Write Title Tags Search Engines Love

13 Appear In The Google Image Search Results

14 Copy Optimization Headings Tags, Outgoing & Internal Links

15 Types Of Backlinks & How To Get

16 Maximise Links For Your Seo Campaigns

17 Content That Generates Social Shares

18 Leverage Authority Websites

19 Build Backlinks & Valuable Relationships

20 Section Summary

21 Local Seo How To Rank Local Business

1 What Will Be Covered In This Section

2 Youtube Marketing Strategy

3 Find Video Ideas With Competitor Analysis

4 Find Youtube Video Ideas With Keyword Research

5 Youtube Account Setup

6 Youtube Account Optimisation

7 Youtube Banner

8 Youtube Channel Tags

9 Youtube Seo

10 Enable Custom Thumbnails

11 Youtube Thumbnails

12 Youtube Cards

13 Youtube Comments

14 Youtube Monetisation

15 Youtube Ads

16 Youtube Analytics

17 Section Summary

1 What Will Be Covered In This Section

2 Why Market Your Business On Facebook

3 Facebook Page Setup

4 Facebook Icon

5 Facebook Cover Image

6 Facebook Page Description

7 Facebook - What To Post

8 Tactics To Get Your First Page Likes

9 Secret Way To Boost Page Likes

10 Facebook Competitions Contests

11 Facebook Groups

12 Facebook Live

13 Manage Multiple Facebook Pages

14 Facebook Comments & Reviews

15 Facebook Insights

16 Section Summary

17 Course Summary And Next Steps


Trainer Name

Endy Nguyen

4.5 Rating
12 Reviews

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