Content Provider


Trainer Name

BGR Foodservice Sdn Bhd

Skill Area

Culinary, Hospitality and Tourism


4.5 (15 Rating)

Course Requirements

Compliance training is open to everyone involved in the food industry, including employees, vendors, partners, suppliers, and any food consumer that want to explore more knowledge in food safety hazards.  

Course Description

Embark on a journey to become a food safety expert with our specialized course for people in the food industry and those passionate about safe eating. This course covers everything you need to know about keeping food safe and free from harm. Learn how to avoid sickness-causing germs, harmful chemicals, and physical objects in your food. Discover the secrets to preventing problems and keeping your meals healthy.

You will examine various pathogens responsible for illnesses and gain insight into their preferred nourishment. Find out how to stop chemicals from sneaking into what you eat, and how to recognize when something might not be right. Join us on this exciting adventure to become a food safety champion!

Course Outcomes

At the end of this module, learners will be able to: 

  • Identify the definition of food safety hazards and their categories
  • Discover the characteristics, related food, and symptoms of each food safety hazards
  • Acquire the skills to practice the prevention measures

Course Curriculum

1 Food Safety Hazards
30 Min

You will learn about what is the food and the meaning of food safety hazards. There were several food safety hazards for example biological, chemical and physical hazards. This module will elaborate more on examples of hazards, their related food and symptoms once eaten the contaminated food. At the end of the module, the preventive measures will be explained according to world health organizations (2010).

2 Food Safety Hazards [Quiz]
25 Min


Trainer Name

BGR Foodservice Sdn Bhd

4.5 Rating
15 Reviews

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Food Safety Hazards


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